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Alive MP4 Converter   The
price of Alive MP4 Converter is $29.95. We provide
secured payment platform for you to complete your purchase : Regnow. So
you can complete your purchase with Paypal, Visa,
Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Visa Check Card, Eurocard and MasterMoney,
Band/Wire Transfer, Check/ Money Order, Fax Order, Invoice, etc. Please
click Buy button to order Alive MP4 Converter: |

Secure payment with Visa,
Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Visa Check Card, Eurocard and MasterMoney,
Band/Wire Transfer, Check/ Money Order, Fax Order, Invoice, etc. |
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You will be able to receive the registration code to register the trial version
into full version immediately after completing your purchase. |
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Licensing - The license agreement
allows you to use the products on only one computer for each purchased copy of
the products |
